Fast and comprehensive solutions

Any good product needs a road map and forward thinking mind behind it to ensure it will last in the market and will prepare the customers for the next generation product they will want to buy after the product cycle is over.

Technical Team Lead
Whatever your company is planning to build, the lack of experienced Technical leading will increase costs, timelines and that will affect the budgets and market times.

Anyone in the consumer market understands that integration is a broad term. I am no stranger to the adaptiveness needed to integrate systems and pull together multi cultural teams to work as one for the same goal.

Where can I give input ...
As my experience and areas of interest revolve around technology and communication I can provide aid in any stage of a project or product ( from concept to mass production) for a variety of project types that include but not limited to :
Why would you choose location flexible services ?
Having the opportunity to perform roles in different cultures, helps one to understand that consumers and professionals are similar and different in equal proportions.
Spending the last years in various places around the wold and having the opportunity to work within multicultural teams helped me to understand that many times the product are targeted to a specific area by the core team and this does not resonate with the project stakeholders will. Still this is difficult to obtain without a liaison that truly understands the business opportunity and the core teams desire and motivation.
I am self motivated and join projects to see them reaching their targets and potential. Having worked remotely and locally with teams based in UK, China, Taiwan(R.O.C.), Hong Kong, France, Finland, India, Moldavia, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and many others; I have learned to blend in any type of team and get the momentum back when it is lost.